Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Golf report

We sucked... badly... it was 4 person best shot and we were only 1 under... thats not good... no prizes only lots of beer. So i guess i won after all... A shitty day of golf is 100 times better than a good day at work.

So here I am back at work... unmotivated and not wanting to be here. Id rather have another shitty golf day.

Learn it, know it, live it!


Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Free Golf

I sometimes bitch about my job, but for all the bitching days like this come along... Im leaving shortly to go and play in a best shot tournament with my bosses and another guy i work with. Free golf, food, beer...damn. Its good to be the king.

Learn it, know it, live it!


Friday, June 11, 2004

Sons of bitches...

When your at the bottom of the hill its amazing how big the shit ball actually is when it gets to you. Im talking like 13 stories tall with big chunks of corn and peanuts. We have 3 people out of the office today...i know 3 doesnt sound like many, but when your total is 7 its a lot. So, any call that came in and any bullshit little thing that popped up i had to deal with. Plus i have a ton of my own shit to do. Fuckers.

I just needed to vent a little before i say screw and go buy some beer and sit at my desk and drink. Seriously, im gonna do it. Hope everyones weekend is good. Late.

Learn it, know it, live it!


Wednesday, June 09, 2004

LIttle Biter

I know of at least 2 people that read my crap have kids. I have a kid. A wonderful little girl that for the most part is perfect. Shes 16 months so there is the occasional tantrum that takes away a couple of points. Shes great... until she goes to day care. Then she turns into a cannibal.

Yesterday she bit 6 kids and teacher before noon. Beautiful. Do little kids really taste that good? I dont know, i wouldnt think so. So from now on the 'biting policy' is in effect. If she eats 3 kids a day she has to go home. Perfect. I wonder if i shuold just stop feeding her meat, she apparantly has acquired a taste for it. Its just gonna be fruits, veggies, and nuts from now on.

I broke my vow of Walmart boycotting last night. Big fucking mistake. I had 2 packages of light bulbs for my explorer and it took 15 minutes to check out... im retarded. Never again. Really. I swear. I hope all walmarts burn to the ground. The bastards.

Learn it, know it, live it!


Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Damn Dashboard

Maybe its just me but i was having a hell of a time get some of my changes to stick... i would put them in, preview, and then post the changes and they wouldnt take... i finally have them working, but what a pain in the ass.

Learn it, know it, live it!


Monday, June 07, 2004

10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag.

Thats what it feels like when i try to sleep in the car... I can do it but i wake up with some weird kink in my neck, back, arm, leg, or some other body part. Im 6'6" tall... and when you put a car seat into the car it really doesnt leave much room to sleep.

We went to Chicago this weekend for a birthtism for my neices. One turned 2 and the other was baptised. Goods times were had by all. Its kinda strange, because all my brother-in-laws buddies are really quite similar to my own. They like to make shit of each other constantly so i fit in pretty well.

We played a little golf, i got a little churching, ate some italian beefs, and of course drank some beer. Yes, i did drink even after the horrible experience that was thursday night. Needless to say the first beer tasted and felt like gravel going down my gullet. We had a great time, like we always do when we hang out with my wifes family.

The only bad part is the car ride. 5 hours is a long time when you big. Plus coming home i drove half the way trying to cling to my last little bit of wakedness. Whenever your the only one in the car that is awake its hard... especially after a long night of drinking. I did get to sleep on the second half and sleep i did. 2 hours straight... beautiful.

Thats all i got for now... i need to work and sit here trying not to sweat. Its hot. 90 degrees and 100% humidity. You gotta love living in Iowa... its only gonna get worse.

Learn it, know it, live it!


Friday, June 04, 2004

Puke Patrol

Im not as young as i used to be.... right now my head is pounding like a bass drum and i cant get the smell of puked up chili dog out of my nose... what a great morning.

On thursdays i play golf in a mens league with some guys from work. We drink beer and have a good time. My wife plays softball on thursdays, so last night after golf i went down to watch her play. I had a good time, all the while slamming beers. I didnt feel wasted, but by the time we got home I was plowed, and fighting with my wife. Not a good combo.

After some arguing(i cant remember about what) i lie down and try to sleep. Then the bed spins start. Bad. Very bad. I jump up and run to the can but dont quite make it. I sprayed a little on the wall in the hall and on the floor of the john before i finally get it right. Damn, theres nothing like cleaning up puke with a horrible hangover.

So now i get to jump in the car and drive to chicago... 5 hours. Yea! So needless to say i will be playing mr low-key this weekend and try not to duplicate the incident of last night.

Learn it, know it, live it!


Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Walmart Hell!!!!

Ok... im kinda following the lead of some of the other blogs i read and taking on a new look... i liked mine at first but i grew a little tired of it, so here we are with a new look that isnt completely finished. I am trying hard to continue to update it so bear with me.

Also, i have been seriously lacking in my posting, which im sure a couple of you have noticed. That will change as well. I just need to make myself write. I think that it will help with my sanity.

I hate fucking walmart. No if's an's or but's. It seems that whenever i go there its full of trashy people, old people that can barely move, or people that cant speak the language. Plus every damn employee is slower than molasses. I had 4 items and it took me 15 minutes to check out in the express lane. WTF! I keep telling myself that i will never go back but this time its true. Fuck it, Im out. Unless im dying of a large open wound and the last band aid is in walmart then im done.

Please check back often, im trying to make this better than it was and keep it updated. I will also try and get some pictures up.

Learn it, know it, live it!
