Wednesday, June 09, 2004

LIttle Biter

I know of at least 2 people that read my crap have kids. I have a kid. A wonderful little girl that for the most part is perfect. Shes 16 months so there is the occasional tantrum that takes away a couple of points. Shes great... until she goes to day care. Then she turns into a cannibal.

Yesterday she bit 6 kids and teacher before noon. Beautiful. Do little kids really taste that good? I dont know, i wouldnt think so. So from now on the 'biting policy' is in effect. If she eats 3 kids a day she has to go home. Perfect. I wonder if i shuold just stop feeding her meat, she apparantly has acquired a taste for it. Its just gonna be fruits, veggies, and nuts from now on.

I broke my vow of Walmart boycotting last night. Big fucking mistake. I had 2 packages of light bulbs for my explorer and it took 15 minutes to check out... im retarded. Never again. Really. I swear. I hope all walmarts burn to the ground. The bastards.

Learn it, know it, live it!
