Thursday, December 08, 2005

Daily Beer Update

ok... i got the whole deal set up last night... now all i need is beer, which i will be getting tonight. i might just stand there and drink right from the tap... because i can. it will be glorius!

as for the daily weather update... its snowing again. weve had quite a bit of snow this year... especially since it is early, but thats cool, like i said i dont mind it. I just want to do some skiing soon, probably christmas time.

being thursday and all, i really dont have the motivation that i should, we are having our company christmas party on saturday, my wife will be gone all weekend, and i think i will just sit around in my under-roos and drink beer. it will be good! so the i really dont want to work. i probably should since next week is review week, so me sitting here fucking off at work probably isnt the smartest thing ive ever done, but what the hell...

Learn it, know it, live it!
